Always being, but not the whole No.25
Oil on canvas
150 x 200 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.23
Oil on canvas
164 x 200 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.22
Oil on canvas
250 x 187 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.19
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint, stainless steel
250 × 80 × 125 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.18
Cast aluminum
60 × 58 × 125 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.17
Cast aluminum
105 × 77 × 136 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.16
Cast aluminum
95 × 63 × 97 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.15
Cast aluminum
105 × 108 × 126 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.14
Wood, spray paint
38 × 65 × 193 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.13
Wood, spray paint
132 × 48 × 142 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.12
Wood, spray paint
88 × 108 × 198 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.11
Wood, spray paint, stainless steel
120 × 54 × 245 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.10
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint, aluminum alloy
108 × 62 × 136 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.9
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint, stainless steel, white marble
170 × 70 × 164 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.8
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint, stainless steel
220 × 65 × 130 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.7
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint, stainless steel
72 × 98 × 238 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.6
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint, stainless steel
85 × 95 × 220 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.5
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint
233 × 56 × 46 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.4
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint
44 × 36 × 240 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.3
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint, stainless steel
323 × 100 ×116 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.2
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint
144 × 105 ×255 cm
Always being, but not the whole No.1
Unsaturated polyester resin, acrylic spray paint
128 × 198 ×216 cm
Living Elsewhere
Digital Betacam transferred to DVD, single channel, color, stereo sound
140 minutes
Bentham’s Panopticon
Wood, steel, paint, florescent light, adrenaline hydrochloride
Diameter (top) 450 cm, diameter (bottom) 390 cm, height 300 cm
Impasse No.6
Acrylic and oil on canvas
350 x 200 cm
Mixed media installation
330 x 400 x 381 cm
Condition No.11
Right: 70 x 55 x 16 cm, left: 70 x 56 x 18 cm
Cambrian No.36
Wood, spray paint, stainless steel
153 x 126 x 26 cm
“…the event matured, accomplished in sight of all non-existent human outcomes.” No.11
Mixed media-wood, metal, rubber
280 x 155 x 80 cm
Continuous Creation of Life Is Change- Have a Spine
Wood, metal, spray paint
291 x 261 x 143 cm
More No.26
Acrylic and oil on canvas
250 x 180 cm
“…the event matured, accomplished in sight of all non-existent human outcomes.” No.29
Acrylic and oil on canvas, wood
Composed of 3 panels, 158 × 200 cm each
Whence–In Contrast No.1
Acrylic and oil on canvas
Total : 200 x 294 cm, Composed of 2 panels, 200 x 147 cm each
More No.18
Acrylic and oil on canvas
220 x 167 cm
Cambrian No.12
Acrylic and oil on canvas
135 x 180 cm
Cambrian No.30
Acrylic and oil on canvas
80 x 60 cm
Cambrian No.31
Acrylic and oil on canvas
187 x 250 cm
Outcome No.7
Acrylic and oil on canvas
200 x 150 cm
Internal Conflict- Installation No.4
Mixed media installation
209 x 168 x 168 cm
Wang Jianwei:Always being, but not the whole
Opening: 2021.3.20
Long March Space
Long March Project: Building Code Violations III – Special Economic Zone
2018.7.21 – 8.26
Long March Space, Beijing, China
Before the Beginning and After the End II
Tianzhuo Chen, Hu Xiangqian, Ran Huang, Liu Wei, Wang Jianwei, Wu Shanzhuan, Inga Svala Thorsdottir & Wu Shanzhuan, Xu Zhen, Xu Zhen produced by MadeIn Company, Zhan Wang, Zhang Hui, Zhou Xiaohu, Zhu Yu
Long March Space, Beijing
Wang Jianwei: Dirty Substance
2015.9.19 – 11.24
Long March Space, Beijing
Before the Beginning and After the End
Chen Chieh-jen, Hu Xiangqian, Ran Huang, Wang Jianwei, Wang Sishun, Xu Zhen produced by MadeIn Company, Zhou Xiaohu
2014.9.2 – 11.2
Long March Space, Beijing
Wang Jianwei: …the event matured, accomplished in sight of all non-existent human outcomes.
2013.9.14 – 10.13
Long March Space, Beijing
Chen Chieh-jen, Ran Huang, Liu Wei, MadeIn Company, Wang Jianwei, Wu Shanzhuan, Xu Zhen, Zhou Xiaohu
2011.6.25 – 8.28
Long March Space, Beijing
Long March Project: Ho Chi Minh Trail
Chen Chieh-jen, Liu Wei, MadeIn Company, Wang Jianwei, Wu Shanzhuan, Zhang Hui
2010.9.4 – 11.14
Long March Space, Beijing
Critical Point
Wang Jianwei
Yuelai Art Museum, Chongqing
Force as Fulcrum
Wang Jianwei
New Century Art Foundation, Beijing, China
2018.12.10 – 2019.2.28
Modern Time
Wang Jianwei, Xu Zhen, Yu Hong, Zhan Wang
Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2018.5.26 – 6.1
Modern Time
Wang Jianwei, Xu Zhen, Yu Hong, Zhan Wang
Modern Art Base, Shanghai, China
2018.5.11 – 5.17
Reconstructing Utopia ——Architecture and Art Exhibition
Liu Wei, Wang Jianwei
OCT Art & Design Gallery, Shenzhen, China
2018.3.24 – 5.20
Landmark – Mapping Contemporary Chinese Art
Liu Wei, Wang Jianwei, Xu Zhen, Yu Hong
Guardian Art Center, Beijing, China
2017.12.16 – 2018.1.31
Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World
Chen Chieh-jen, Liu Wei, Lu Jie(Long March Project), Wang Jianwei, Wu Shanzhuan, Xu Zhen, Xu Zhen produced by MadeIn Company, Yu Hong, Zhan Wang, Zhao Gang
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, USA
2017.10.6 – 2018.1.7
Being Information
Wang Jianwei
SSSSTART, Shanghai, China
Times Heterotopia Trilogy III: The Man Who Never Threw Anything Away
Wang Jianwei
Times Museum, Guangzhou, China
Screen Test: Chinese Video Art Since 1980s
Chen Chieh-jen, Wang Jianwei, Xu Zhen, Zhou Xiaohu
2016.7.2 – 8.28
CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China
Digging A Hole in China
Liu Wei, Wang Jianwei
OCAT Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China
What About the Art? Contemporary Art from China
Hu Xiangqian, Liu Wei, Wang Jianwei, Xu Zhen produced by MadeIn Company
2016.3.14 – 7.16
Qatar Museums Gallery Al Riwaq, Doha, Qatar
Wang Jianwei, Zhang Hui
2015.11.21 – 2016.2.28
Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Unlawfully Constructed
Wang Jianwei, Wang Sishun
2015.11.15 – 2016.1.15
Surplus Space, Wuhan, China
Wang Jianwei: Time Temple
Wang Jianwei
2014.10.31 – 2015.2.16
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA
A History: Art, Architecture and Design, since 1980s till Now
Wang Jianwei
2014.7.2 – 2016.1.11
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
The Power of the Public Realm
Chen Chieh-jen, Hu Xiangqian, Liu Wei, Wang Jianwei, Yang Shaobin
2014.6.25 – 10.10
Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China
Tales from the Taiping Era
Chen Chieh-jen, Wang Jianwei, Inga Svala Thorsdottir & Wu Shanzhuan
2014.5.23 – 8.24
Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, China
The Red Queen
Wang Jianwei
2013.6.18 – 2014.9.8
Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania, Australia
2013 Martell Artists of the Year Winning Artists Group Exhibition
Wang Jianwei
2013.6.16 – 6.30
Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
Sharjah Biennial: Re:emerge, Towards a New Cultural Cartography
Hu Xiangqian, Liu Wei, Wang Jianwei, Yang Shaobin, Zhang Hui
2013.3.13 – 5.13
Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, UAE
Guangzhou Triennial: The Unseen
Chen Chieh-jen, Ran Huang, MadeIn Company, Wang Jianwei, Zhou Xiaohu
2012.09.28 – 12.06
Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
Art of Change: New Directions from China
Wang Jianwei, Xu Zhen produced by MadeIn Company
Hayward Gallery, London, UK
汪建伟&卢杰 长达20年的排演
2015_周末画报_汪建伟&卢杰 长达20年的排演_文/周舟.pdf
Wang Jianwei: Dirty Substance
2015_Leap艺术界_汪建伟:脏物_文/长征空间_译/Katy Pinke
The Vanishing Nowhere
2015_Flash Art_The Vanishing Nowhere_By/Venus Lau
2015_ARTnews_IT’S ABOUT TIME_By/Barbara Pollack
Wang Jianwei: A Moment of Weakness
Ed. Lu Mingjun, Wang Jianwei: A Moment of Weakness (Beijing: Long March Space, 2015)
Chinese and English language with texts by Lu Mingjun, Wang Jianwei

[Artist] Wang Jianwei: My Studio is My Society
[Exhibition] Before the Beginning and After the End II, Long March Space, Beijing
Courtesy of ARTSPY
Watch on YOUKU.COM
Courtesy of ARTSPY
[Exhibitions] Wang Jianwei: Dirty Substance, Long March Space, Beijing
Courtesy of Action Media
Watch on V.QQ.COM
Courtesy of Action Media

“I work for possibilities”
–Wang Jianwei
Wang Jianwei has been interested in the pre-established functions of a space since Production (1997); this piece was the primary work of his first attempts at video-recorded art. Production was a selective documentative record of the intra-group relationships which take place in public spaces across all areas of Sichuan Province, inquiring into the private space of conversation within a public space of the teahouse. The video recording Life Elsewhere (1998-1999) similarly possessed documentative qualities in its attempt to take social issues and phenomena and situate them in an expanded domain of observation. Wang Jianwei resists utilizing solely one means by which to express the integrity of relationships and thoughts, this can be seen a key aspect of his visual language. In Screen (2000), Wang Jianwei for the first time used theatrical performance to act out the scene of the painting The Banquet of Han Xizai by the Five Dynasties’ painter Gu Hong, and in the later work Flying Bird is Motionless (2005) once again worked using theatre and rehearsal to elucidate his personal interpretation on time and the contemporary. Human Quality (2008), uses an extremely tense 32-minute recording to reconstruct communal life during China’s Cultural Revolution, a conceptual project which linked together all experiences of history, utopias, symbols and influences utilizing video, photographs, and sculptural installations amongst other media as a means of questioning and experimentation. “Rehearsal” for Wang Jianwei is the focal avenue through which he consults reality and history, and though many of Wang Jianwei’s works are founded in the experience of Chinese society, they are much more focused on a globalised and universal dimension, such as in his video and performance work Welcome to the Desert of the Real (2010).
In 2011 Wang Jianwei held a solo-exhibition “Yellow Signal” at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art and in 2013 held a solo-exhibition at Long March Space titled “……..” 2014-2015 he held a solo-exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York “Time Temple” followed by the 2015 “Dirty Substance” at Long March Space. No matter whether installation or paintings, both progressively take form through unknown active forms, just as the medium of rehearsal, with the dialogue and contradictions amongst works in diverse media themselves can be seen as the launch of a rehearsal.